Thursday, August 11, 2011

Headlines and Elevator Speeches

I finally came up with a headline I liked.  It sums up my goals in life absolutely perfectly, without leaving any room for misinterpretation and does not trap me with strict methods of carrying out my goals.

"Encouraging youth to imagine and create."

Yes I do tend to think about books when I think of my goals but there are a lot of other ways to encourage imagination and creativity.  I've been exploring several options that can be used in the library in fact, and I will continue to come up with more.

I was having some fun when coming up with elevator speeches.  I'm not entirely sure I have one down to use once and for all, but I thought I should share what I have created.  If anything because some of them are a bit amusing and dramatic:

"Libraries are cultural hubs of our society!  We are community leaders, providing places of sanctuary for the knowledge seekers of the world!  We are your backbone when you feel oppressed, your education when you are long since out of school, the feet you stand on when there is no ground left!  Books?  Screw books what do you need to know?  I have a bazillion places you can look at and all of them credible, TAKE THAT Wikipedia!"

"I’m a librarian, an information specialist Mr. Bond.  Sure Q can make you all sorts of nice toys but how will you know which wire to cut on the nuclear bomb so it won’t detonate?  We’re sort of like M, your boss, except we won’t keep secrets from you.  Oh no Mr. Bond, our job is to make SURE you know absolutely everything you WANT to know, and then some…"

"We are upon the precipice of the future!  Technological advancements in information flow throughout the world is constantly growing more and more advanced!  Who will be the ones to keep it all on track?  Who will be the ones to stop the flow from overwhelming the world?!  Librarians!  Yes, the proud, the true, the knowledge protectors and gatekeepers of tomorrow!  Serving the community to the ends of the earth!  We are in good hands!  In librarians we trust!"

"I help the community.  I ensure the education of those who desire it is within grasp.  I provide services to entertain kids and teens of all ages.  I help researchers and teachers alike in their chosen craft.  I make sure resources are known and available to everyone without discrimination.  I provide a safe haven for groups, for individuals, for all.  Can you guess what I am?
I’m a librarian.
I am always on duty and willing to help.  If you have any questions, I will answer to the best of my ability.  If you need to find something I will try my best to be there to aid you in your search.  If you’re lost in this day and age of the unlimited magnitude of sources, let me guide you.  I promise, I won’t lead you astray.  I won’t try to sell your information or pellet you with ads or give your computer a virus.  I pledge to listen, to advise and to provide, but in the end you get to choose.  That, is my profession."

I like the last one best, but it does need a bit of tweaking.  I wanted to start off as if what I am is a sort of riddle, the kind you can solve easily.  I'm a bit tired of people not understanding what being a librarian is supposed to be, so why start with saying "I'm a librarian?"  No, I will start by listing some of my duties and then mention my "title."  But, just so they wont fall back to the stereotype, I will continue with some of my goals just so they won't forget.  It's a work in progress but it's a start.

Originally Sparked from Class 511 - Introduction to Library and Information Professions


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